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Import Data

Bulk Upload

Select a zipped CSV file containing a dataset of identifiers formatted according to the instructions on the API Page, and upload it using these buttons:

The time it takes to process depends on the number of records, and the percentage of records that represent new objects (as opposed to identifiers that can be mapped to existing objects). It can range from a few seconds to a few hours. As we gather more data on uploaded datasets, we'll be able to make more accurate predictions about how long each batch import will take to fully process. You don't need to remain on the page for the entire process time; you only need to wait until the zip file has been transferred to the BioGUID server. This depends on your internet connection speed and the size of the zip file, but it shouldn't require more than a minute or two, unless the file is very large.

Note: This service tracks details about each identifier in terms of whether it has already been imported, or whether there are problems with the records as submitted. In the near future, these reports will be made available as soon as the batch of submitted records is processed.

Export Data

These export data services returned tab-delimted text. See the Export Data Structure on the API page for details of the output columns.

Identifier Domain Index

This service allows you to submit the UUID for an Identifier Domain, and get back a full index of all identifiers that BioGUID has indexed within that Identifier Domain. You can find the Identifier Domain UUID values here.

Identifier Domain Cross-Links

This service allows you to submit the UUID for an Identifier Domain, and get back a full index of all identifiers that BioGUID has indexed within that Identifier Domain that are cross-linked to at least one other identifier within BioGUID. This service allows receiving all identifiers linked in some way to the identifiers within a particular Identifier Domain.

Creative Commons Zero All content within the BioGUID.org site is available under the Creative Commons Zero license (Public Domain).